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NOS on a go kart

  S4 (320bhp) + Clio 16v

Have got an oldish go kart sitting about in my garage. does about 50 with the engine i got on it at the mo. Not to bad for a 160cc. Its a honda gx160 4 stroke. Wish pushes out around 5.5BHP Do u recon it would be posible to run small amounts of nos init with out blowing it up???
  S4 (320bhp) + Clio 16v

oh right! Anyone no for sure? Are the jets what determin the amount of NOS going through the engine like 50 75 100....
  172 Cup

yup and working on the traditional theory you would want a 2 or 3bhp jet making a total of a whole 8 or 9bhp.


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Lazy v8

u can get nos kits for goped scooters, that are little jets u would want 1 of them, come with an ikkle bottle also :D
  S4 (320bhp) + Clio 16v

ARJ cheers mate. Unlike u im obvously not a pro. Its just for fun, not a living. lol

Tom the motor u hav is from a Pro-kart, Twin engine. Pile a shi*

Tel me something i dont no mate that y i was gunna run nos in it coz im not to bothered about it. Thanks for the pics as well.

i only have a little venom kart. it was built in 99 by ricky flynn. its only a 100 though but goes good enough

Quote: Originally posted by tom-m on 25 November 2003

ARJ cheers mate. Unlike u im obvously not a pro. Its just for fun, not a living. lol

Tom the motor u hav is from a Pro-kart, Twin engine. Pile a shi*

Tel me something i dont no mate that y i was gunna run nos in it coz im not to bothered about it. Thanks for the pics as well.

lol i karted for quite a few years and find it quite funny how people can take the piss like that as anyone in a kart looks a bit of a knob! Oh well..some people cant resist showing off!

  S4 (320bhp) + Clio 16v

Ha ha I would be posdting a pic of me in a kart evebn if i was a PRO but karts are a good laugh. Especialy on the main road!!

which pic is him, as neither are gearboxed karts.

I stopped karting competitively a few yrs ago, still have my 125 boxed kart, but its rather tatty now and just used for a laugh. Still, when you move onto circut racing, NOTHING and i mean NOTHING is as fast as the karts you jsut left...........


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS

Top 1s Last years S1 in Rotax Max. (Me)

Bottom 1s ICA. (Simon Andrews)

Cant find a Gearbox pic of me, well a decent 1 anyway. And yeah the acceleration is....Youd hav to try.
  S4 (320bhp) + Clio 16v

so is it posible to run nos in it or will it kill the engine completely??? just small bursts of it? i


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS

What u got to lose...I dont know much about NO2...But the Hondas a 4 stroke, whereas we run 2 strokes??!! But if its possible in a car, im sure its possible.....Maybe!

Hav Fun.

Oh yeh, For those who hav dun donington, in the kart this year we managed a 1.16.101 at 96mph av lap time.

What time do u folk do in a 172 or valver 4 that matter?
  S4 (320bhp) + Clio 16v

cough hi jack cough cough!

Quick time though. Yer i think if i can get some small jets i will do it. Wont need much NOS Really. Will post results.
