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  EK9 + Mfactory gearing..

Hi, jus joined, iv had the usual basic starter mods from david at k-tek...lowered, quickshift, ramraid, straight through zorst, v.pleased. Jus wondering wot other mods people have had e.g. supachip etc? im hoping to get k-teks 4 pot brake upgrade next, then to fix up some NOS, anybody else tried it? turbo conversion would set u back 6grand ish so cant stretch to that. {silver 172 mk2 on 17s oz superleggeras}, cheers :D p.s. if anybody wants to know why i regret going to gt tuning first jus ask....

Hello and welcome

if you want N20 PM me and ill get you a good deal, from either K-tek or the manufacturer itself....

safe and easy.......

Btw i run it ona 20 yr old XR2.......LOL

benr, im lookin for nos too!!! my email is give us a quote, and who its done by!

i can supply the entire system for about 500 quid and possibly under that. I could also try get a second hand setup for cheaper if you want.

You would install it your self but its not hard......

or you could get smoebody to install it, or i can supply pics of mine and a mates setup for you to reference off.

Ill get back with a quote.

yup, 500 quid.........

including everything, x-fire injector which are 45 quid a peice, 11lb bottle, all switches etc etc.

if it was 2nd hand it would be using C02 fire extinguisher bottles of teh 9lb variety and a much more "all go no show" sort of appearance LOL.......
  EK9 + Mfactory gearing..

hey mailto:m@thew">m@thew, will try and get some pics done soon, benR.....wot sort of power gains do u get from the NOS on ur car? i was looking at going through k-tek for my NOS and i think he quoted me about 1300 ish parts and fitting, at the moment he has put the kit on his wifes car but not tested it yet {started at 25 bhp}...apparently they use some kind of variable boost gauge {got 4 lights on it ithink} and the guys who are doing his ICE are going to cut it into the dash so as it looked like a factory fit. I am jus staring to look around at prices and jus get general info as i dont know wot sort of gains u get and how long a bottle lasts etc....As for fitting it myself unfortunately i have 0 patience and if things werent going rit id probably get :mad:! cheers, :D

ben that sounds quality!!!! gotta wait a month or two for some money, onoly just bought the cup!!!! but what kind of system is it workin? i know there are various types of injections, direct port an all that! and what bhp shots are we talkin?

OK, the basic gist is.

the kit is a wet system, i.e. it supplies the fuel and N20 through one injector.

this injector is placed in teh inlet tract after the air filter (best place is the plastic pipe) and before the butterfly. It requiers no drilling in to any metal parts of the engine so it can be taken off with no trace. You will need to cover the hole for the injector though with duck tape or similar when you take out the injector though. it tapes fuel off your std fuel lines so no need for extra.

when you plant the throtle (ususally only after 3000rpm has been reached) the N20 kicks in and off yougo till you let off. The n20 only fires on full throttle.

I am running 50bhp on my XR2 and its fun, i have 2 9lb bottles and each one lasts about a week is i don go crazy.....but when i first got it i did go through 4 bottles in teh fisrs day......but you soon calm down and save it for those pesky shoot outs. I did an audi 1.8 turbo easy and pissed of some nova boys.....its fun.

it also smells like strawberries when its burnt.....quite nice!

If you go onto my sire you can see what my setup looks like.

1200 quid for N20 is expensive! you need only 500 quid for the kit and about 50 quid for somebody to install it in about 1 1/2 hrs if they are not stupid.

its completly safe if yo set ip up right and will not damage your engine.

On the 172 you do not even need to r****d the ignition as it has a knock sensor which will do it automatically.

if you feel usafe, the supplier offers a gaurantee of £1 per BHP against failure if you get it setup correctly. But i did it myself as an amatuer and have no probs.

if you are near bristol i can even do it myself with a mate.
  BMW 320d Sport

well Ive only got one thing to say about nitrous oxide. Even if you dont want to fit it yourself, still have a go. Save some money and learn how it works first hand. Basically if you can wire up an amp in the boot of your car then you can fit nitrous. Going on what my own Clio can take, Id say a 172 would easily take a 50 hp jetting (note: not necessarily 50hp!) and with a progressive controller it will take 100 no problem.

IMHO the best way is to go for a basic throttle triggered system first, where you just arm it and it fires whenever you go full throttle. Once youre used to how that works, then get a progressive controller, which does make a big difference. It wont cost you any extra to get the controller later on and the wiring isnt that bad really; the original wiring has to be kind of stripped out and rearranged but its half a days work maximum even for an amateur.

Sorry Ben m8 .... :( I must slightly disagree lol !):oops:

its completly safe if yo set ip up right and will not damage your engine.

I would add, IF YOUR ENGINE IS SOUND, and you KNOW it is sound...

ie, good oil pressure hot and cold, more hot !... good compressions on all pots within about 5-7%, 10% is the max !. No evidence of pressure rise if a teaspoon full of oil is poured into the bore and the test repeated, no oil leaks, no water leaks..............

And, as for a 172 not needing r****d, hmmm, maybe on a 50 shot, but I WILL run a progressive above that, I wouldnt put my faith in the range of the knock r****d table at WOT !

Nick, m8, thats an interesting point... the bit about the 50 hp jetting not necessarily giving 50 bhp... ??, I agree, but WHY ???

  EK9 + Mfactory gearing..

thanks for input so far :D . Benr, i jus logged onto a site called very informative and they have several set up kits available, jus depends on wot size bottles or how many, electronic regulator so as its not all wacked in at once, big bottle small jet or little bottle big jet...decisions decisions! they also do a series of tests to make sure ur mota is running right, slarty n nik. gona ring em l8r to get some more advice, they had a pic of their basic kit and also said it was easy to fit, but im ferkin useless at that sort of thing....bristols about 3hrs away ish!

Iam not sure if you guys remember me

But i think i had one of the first NOS systems on the 172 if not the first one !

I ran 80hp shoots on it, wich was the limit. More than that and the fuel pump

couldnt take it.

Sadly enough i crashed the car and did get by to upgrade the fuel pump.

Anyway the car drove very very stong with the 80hp shot.

0-100MPH came in about 12.8 seconds with 17" wheels on.

I got my kit from NOS-Nitrous and it costs 500$ in the US.

I dont understand why your local kits are so expensive ?

Anyway, go for it, its a lot of fun !!!

US kit is inferior quality and the solenoids wear faster and gone work with heat so well.

capt......were getting piccy now! LOL

yes, as long a teh engine is in good working order and youse t it up right, i wont be a prob. As with 172s i dont think quality should be a problem.......

big bottle with smalle jets will just last longer than a small bottle wit the same jet. The kit comes with an 11lb bottle which is fairly large.

as for the jets, they wont always equal 50bhp no, it really depends on engine design and efficiency of the burn etc etc. V8 which cut the same charge up into many smaller parts can burn it more efficiently than a vee twin for example. tests have shown 30bhp on a plain 4cylinder and 64 from a rover V8 off teh same "50" jets......i got 50s on my kent engine and i doubt tis giving 50bhp, probably more like the head is plain awful, not to mention the combustion chambber..sheesh.

the 172 knock sensor has coped witht he iggy setting before, but if your worried you can r****d by say 2 deg first and twiddle around there to see whats the higest advance you can run safely. Or buy a r****d module and set that up with the std ignition settings.

oh, and teh group is ">

Hi Ben, Picky ?? moi ??


ok re the jetting, but...........

then people shouldnt quote 50hp jets or 100hp jets etc, cos its meaninless.

Surely all that is needed is to set it up on a rolling road for the ACTUAL power increase you desire..

No one quotes 20 hp cams or a 50 hp head flow so why on earth do people quote the figures for nos, without knowing the actual increase ??.

Also, IF the jetting on a 4 stroke 4 cylinder is varying so much, then the soruce of the variation needs to be determined as it will likely be the same overall restriction as the base unit suffers from...


because people are lazy and general public are thick and impatient.

people want to know how much power they will get, so the tunner gives you an answer.....and it helps you know, how many honest tunners are out there!?

mine were 35bhp jets but i used carb jet drilling bits to get them right, mostly the fuel jet but its running the same SIZE as 50bhp jets.....hence me quoting it.

you know well never change the way things work or how the general public see might as well live with it to a point, we can always do what WE want though.

ah, but if you dealt with 20 people a day, could you be bothered to explain the same thing all the time!.......only to have them look at you like an idiot.

haha, i coudlnt!
