Quote: Originally posted by GPRIM on 22 July 2003
to be honest i have no idea what is actually going on and have had nothing but problems with camden northampton since purchasing the car. they have not been at all helpful and it seems they are trying to hide something. every time i go back it is a different story. first an import, then a uk car, then they say its an import again and now this. the thing is if i didnt have a problem with the exhaust i would never have known. could a private number plate by the previous owner cause this confusion. sent the bloke a letter about 3 weeks ago but have heard nothing from him as of yet
If this is a used car, doesnt it have the name of the previous owner on the V5 document? If so, why dont you contact that person and ask them if they had a private plate on it? Maybe you will learn a bit more about this car than your dealer is prepared to divulge!!
You just cant trust SOME car salesmen! it is no wonder they have a poor name.