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Not what you'd expect to come back to....

  172 mk2 Iceberg
with enough hands could be done in a couple of mins....

not good end to the day.... they musta left some prints ??
imagine what the owner of the car must have felt like when he saw his car like that :dead: sickening.
  polo, here for lols
jesus thats insane, i was expecting maybe a broken window when you guys were on about car crime but that is shocking.
Thats awful, what a bunch of t*ssers !! Imagine coming back to you motor to find it stripped :dead: :mad:
Strange how they only did that car over, unless there were more which haven't been posted up ?? (i'd have expected them to have targeted a few other cars too)

Even people who park on club stands need to watch out too, as i've heard of people having their radio aeriels stolen, one dude even had a fire extunguisre stolen from in his car, iirc they nicked it off of his roll cage !
I've heard of cars being deliberately keyed too :mad:
  Chelsea tractor
- What type of key can get into any lock?

- A pikey

Just thought I'd throw that in the mix ;)

Gotta feel sorry for the guy tho - he must have been shellshocked when he found his car like that
  MK2 PH2 & E46 330
my mate used to say sumone could nick ur alloys in daylight. and i thought NAH SHUTUP.

looks like im proved wrong.
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT
cos people are always tinkering with their cars, people probably thought nowt of it, and just thought it was their own car!

shocking tho!
  FF Blackgold 182

From when smart arse? I checked the forum before I put the post up!

I wouldn't worry m8. Some people live on here and immediately come up with "repost" as if every member would have seen it already.:rolleyes: Shocking story though. I know that they usually say "parking is strictly at owners risk", but that is extracting the urine!! :eek:
Cynical me says insurance job - "steal" some of your own expensive wheels and other bits (bet it was an STi intercooler), claim off the insurance giving you enough cash to buy another car because the engine in this one's knackered, then fit your bits to the new one.

Experienced and obviously bold "thieves" smashing the ignition barrel to attempt the theft of a car fitted with an immo? Taking extra time to have the side repeaters as well as eveything else?

Sympathies to the owner if I'm wrong but something doesn't ring true, I'm afraid.
Cynical me says insurance job - "steal" some of your own expensive wheels and other bits (bet it was an STi intercooler), claim off the insurance giving you enough cash to buy another car because the engine in this one's knackered, then fit your bits to the new one.

Experienced and obviously bold "thieves" smashing the ignition barrel to attempt the theft of a car fitted with an immo? Taking extra time to have the side repeaters as well as eveything else?

Sympathies to the owner if I'm wrong but something doesn't ring true, I'm afraid.

Bit too cynical me thinks..... Who in their right mind would plan to get there car stripped at a public show? If it was somewhere more inconspicuous (SP?) then yeah you might be right.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Jeezuz - poor b*****d.

You go out for a fun-day out (hopefully with like-minded petrolheads) and sh1t like this happens.

Sign of the friggin' times, unfortunately....:mad:

