Sony continue to make friends in Europe...
"As of yesterday morning, no auctions for PS3 units or games will be allowed on the site until February 2007 - which is when pre-orders will open in Europe.
Even then, each seller will only be able to offer one PS3, and it must have been purchased within the EU. Sellers must also guarantee dispatch within 30 days, provide a photo of the purchase or pre-order receipt and can only accept payment via PayPal."
Obviously there are listing on Ebay currently, will see how long these take to get pulled.
"As of yesterday morning, no auctions for PS3 units or games will be allowed on the site until February 2007 - which is when pre-orders will open in Europe.
Even then, each seller will only be able to offer one PS3, and it must have been purchased within the EU. Sellers must also guarantee dispatch within 30 days, provide a photo of the purchase or pre-order receipt and can only accept payment via PayPal."
Obviously there are listing on Ebay currently, will see how long these take to get pulled.