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nusience phone calls on mobile...


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
Just started getting calls about twice a day that just hang up... the scam is obviously to get me to ring back and incur big bucks in charges... the numbers are all 070 numbers... does my head in!!!

anyone have a problem with this? i guess all i can do is ring up my mobile service provider and speak to them. any other suggestions?

tbh, i just find it annoying...
They wont do anything without a crime reference number.

But you'd need the crime number to be able to block them.

Even if its witheld they can still tell who it is.. Getting that info is a little trickier tho, but do-able..


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
each time it is a different 070 number... just annoys me.

then this morning i got a SERVICE MESSAGE that i thought was from orange but instead when i opened it it opend my internet on the phone to try and load a page so shut that down and deleted it.

piss off you scamming b******s!!!!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
forgot to say, is anyone else having this type of problem?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
Nokia 6500 Classic


that one^^^

makes me wonder how the f**k they get my number?!
meee! Its starting to annoy me.

Actually I had to have a couple of numbers blocked when I was on an orange contract, the policeman actually spoke to the orange person and they told him they couldn't block any numbers. O2 on the other hand are very helpful


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy

If you have been troubled by calls where the phone rings but on answering there is no one there, you can register with a separate service called Silent Callgard.

Silent calls are generated by automatic dialling equipment which dial more numbers than there are operators available to take the calls.

Silent Callgard is a free service, however it may not prevent the receipt of all silent calls as it is a voluntary scheme.

The number to call to register for Silent Callgard is 0844 372 2325.

This service is not managed by the TPS.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
forgot to say, is anyone else having this type of problem?

Had a few on the home number these past few weeks, actually. In amongst the foreigners who do actually want to speak. They are the ones annoying me more - usually at the weekend too. :mad:

  • No, I don't want to transfer my f**king credit card balance.
  • No, I don't want a Talk-Talk, Talk-Shite f**king tariff.
  • No, I don't want to take part in a f**king 45-min survey with someone who can't even understand b*****d English.
These prize weapons really do amaze me. If I want a loan - I'd go to a bank. If I want to change my mobile, I'd nip into a mobile shop. I wouldn't entrust any important banking details to a weld that I was speaking to on the other end of the phone. Are they really that s**t-thick that they can't work that one out? :S

Bell-ends. They all need culling. Then burning for good measure.

forgot to say, is anyone else having this type of problem?

Had a few on the home number these past few weeks, actually. In amongst the foreigners who do actually want to speak. They are the ones annoying me more - usually at the weekend too. :mad:

  • No, I don't want to transfer my f**king credit card balance.
  • No, I don't want a Talk-Talk, Talk-s**te f**king tariff.
  • No, I don't want to take part in a f**king 45-min survey with someone who can't even understand b*****d English.
These prize weapons really do amaze me. If I want a loan - I'd go to a bank. If I want to change my mobile, I'd nip into a mobile shop. I wouldn't entrust any important banking details to a weld that I was speaking to on the other end of the phone. Are they really that s**t-thick that they can't work that one out? :S

Bell-ends. They all need culling. Then burning for good measure.


lol.. I had some t**t trying to ask me "security questions" so I told him that as he'd just phoned me, he needed to answer some questions too. He hung up.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
i deleted the message right away so can't view it anyway.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
no not yet, may give it a go later on... but won't hold out much joy tbh.
I had one of those messages saying that I had a message to retrieve. It was not like any other message I had seen before so did a google before opening the link and found people complaining of 500 pound phone bills.

Scamming b******s the lot of them.
