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NY500 Cafe


ClioSport Club Member
Hi All,

Those in the area might find to be a good place to meet up and chat all things cars and Clios, they have some cool old cars and bikes on display inside as well and they are really nice an accommodating, there is also a seed freaks meet in May that I might go along to but if anyone's planning a meet this is a solid option.

Im not affiliated to them but I've been there a couple of times and its been great.


Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
I'll have to watch this thread going forward as there's absolutely zero activity in the North East area it seems. York's only an hour or so from me anyway.
  Renault Clio 172
NY500 is just down the road from me,they’ve opened up a workshop now on site that you can look round, they look to be making a bigger parking area to.not a bad little spot. There’s also the motorist hub near Sherburn elmet,have various meetings on a weekend, think there’s a Renault one organised for October but that’s way off yet!

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
Im thinking about heading over with my daughter on the weekend (assuming my car doesn't fail its MOT hideously) if anyone fancies a coffee?
Hopefully, the last few weekends on the house build, then I can start being a car enthusiast again. I've never done a single race meet this year either.
