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o2 customer service

  tiTTy & SV650
Well today my phone failed again. In april 09 I got a new handset, within a month it was faulty so I returned it. I got an alternative handset, within the following 12 months it has been repaired / replaced 4 or 5 times and has now been sent for repair / replacement once again.

On one occassion I was given a list of alternative handsets as they'd had 3 attempts to rectify it, the handsets on offer were shight so I went for the same handset again. The handset I received was damaged but I chose to ignore this as by now I was sick of o2.

This handset has lasted about 6 months but today it failed so I contacted o2 customer services to be told to return it for repair or to buy my remaining 6 months contract out at £175 and get a new contract. What an option, ridiculous!

I took the phone to the store and spoke to them and they said I'd have to return it a further 3 times before o2 would offer me an alternative.

I sent it off to get the ball rolling and sent their complaints department an email.

Anyone had similar fobbing off / experience of their systems? It's piss poor customer service, I've had an o2 mobile contract for 8 years or so and o2 home broadband for 2 years.

Yeah ive had all the same problems, had my contract for about 4 years and all my phones keep breaking, they send them off for repair, leave your without a phone, get a crappy refurbed one back then that breaks, then when your phone is not in stock for a replacement they offer you a different handset what it about 10 years old :S there customer service is very poor to say the least, my contract is up in a month and im not gonna renew it, they dont even offer good renewals for existing customers, rather give my money to another phone company who will give me a good quality service
  tiTTy & SV650
Bummer, thanks for that. Sounds like systematic failure really, if I get anywhere with the complaints department I'll share in here.


Surely it's a manufacturer issue and not directly O2's fault - try the phone's warranty rather than the service provider? Nokias have 2 years standard for example.

I understand your frustrations though, what address did you send the complaint to?
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
As Da says its a manufacturer warranty not an O2 warranty, they have to send them away to the manufacturer for repair/replacement. At some O2 stores you can rent a phone whilst yours is away if you dont have a spare...


I sent mine away for repair three times - again it was a Nokia issue and not O2's fault. I used an old phone I had for 10 days in total and O2 happily refunded me 10 days worth of line rental.

Couldn't complain really :)
  tiTTy & SV650
Mini Sunday night rant mode:

my contract is with o2 and that's that as far as I'm concerned. I work in manufacturing and we offer outstanding customer service, o2's is proving useless. At no point have o2 told me I should be going direct to the manufacturer this is irrelevant anyway imo.

Service sector indeed.

I refuse to rent a phone or pay a penny deposit for a loan phone when I have a contract with them and they've had thousands of pounds from me over the years.

6 handsets in the space of year with numerous trips to the store because they won't post to a work address. Utterly useless systems that 02 employ are what i'm questioning not who's liable.

I contacted

and breathe... lol
  tiTTy & SV650
yeah its a different handset its my 5th or 6th handset, its off for repair for this 1st time now. This is what boils my piss they need it to fail twice more i.e. be returned twice more before they'll offer an alternative. And I can guarantee it will fail again.

I can't even buy a new handset from them unless its pay as you go lol I feel I've been pretty damn patient and reasonable for a year and now it's just taking the piss.
Yeh, its the way it works for some reason. Would get abit silly if we kept replacing every phone that was faulty. Although this is what apple do, and it works very well for their NPS.

What are they doing about your line rental?
  tiTTy & SV650
The guys in the shop have been sound I must add and phones 4 u were absolute cowboys when I went in.

Nothing has been discussed with respect to line rental. I'm already on a discounted customer loyalty rate. I'll see what comes from the complaints department, if I don't like it I'll grin and bear it and go elsewhere, but what do they care I'm only 1 customer.
They should care, as you will tell more people about your bad experience than any good one you have.

You dont see threads on here about "How good o2 customer service is" do you.

Let me know how you get on :)
  tiTTy & SV650
Oh I know they should but think I expect too much perhaps.

I'll update when I hear from them, cheers.
  tiTTy & SV650
Update: complaints dept have offered me any free handset (non smart phone so not iphone, blackberry, HTC or x10 from my reckoning) brand new as a good will gesture.

And come Sep/Oct I get to upgrade again.

Need to go look at some phones tonight and let them know.

They've just retained a customer.


Push for an htc I reckon. Maybe with a small payment from yourself.

Will let you go onto a sim only contract come your renewal for cheaper monthy tarrif..
  tiTTy & SV650
Getting an Iphone next month anyway so gonna have phones coming out my ears lol ebay anyone?!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Just getting the best you can get so that when you upgrade you can punt the old shed.

Good result tho.
