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O2 Online text service down?

I get the following error

Redirect Loop

Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
The browser has stopped trying to retrieve the requested item. The site is

redirecting the request in a way that will never complete.

* Have you disabled or blocked cookies required by this site?

* NOTE: If accepting the site's cookies does not resolve the problem, it is probably a server configuration
issue and not your computer.

Tried on IE and firefox. so im guessing its a server side issue?
  Partner's Astra SRi
I have no problems with it.......sent a few this morning when my phone died.

Have you looked at your cookie settings?

Are you going there through the homepage or a direct link?
I have no problems with it.......sent a few this morning when my phone died.

Have you looked at your cookie settings?

Are you going there through the homepage or a direct link?

Both. neither works for me

Checked cookie settings, all cookies allowed for that site.

Turns out its my account on, tried my brothers ... worked fine! so i just reregistered :D

Coincidentally i phoned up o2 to change contract details earlier and he told me "you do know you can just keep signing up accounts so you get free texts online? its only limited to 15 or so per ip so go nuts!"

So i have :)

150 free texts a month fTW :D
Tell me about it....

I managed to run out my 1000 text limit in the first week of this months contract. Hence trying to grab some free ones so at least i can txt people and say "no credit ring me lol!"
Aye indeed...

Should switch over to orange or tmobile matey, or even change your 02 contract, they're all offering unlimited text, infact vodafone are too on most contracts..
