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OMG Firefox has just fobbed out on me!!

  Golf GTI 1.8T
Just browsing away on CS as usual and a couple of other sites.

Noticed it wernt loading, so thought ahh its just glitching out, so clicked close then close all 3 tabs.


Open up a new one and it come up with the user set up thing so i thought this is weird. Click ok blah blah blahh.

It launched but now its lost all my bookmarks and all the cache's and passwords etc :dapprove:

anyone think of a way to get them back?
  Golf GTI 1.8T
not to worry, I've just done a system restore and its sorted everything :D

I love XP!!
  Astra coupe
yeh its done that twice with me. i just set up another user with the same bookmarks and stuff just incase it decides to be a homo again.
it used to be gay sometimes with me and when i clicked a link it would open another tab and sometimes a new window. Even tho its set to open in the same tab.

Hence why ive changed
  As father and son....
C:\Documents and Settings\xxxx\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles

Back that up where "xxxx" = your usual logon name, then just delete whats in there and drop it back in if it does it again
  Golf GTI 1.8T
as said, I closed it because I thought there was just a loading glitch. When I re-opened it, my profile was gone along with all my bookmarks and cached fields ie usernames & password etc

But its all sorted now after the system restore. Thank you :)
