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Once a write off?

  Clio MK 4
Got a call from the garage saying i need to remove the car. I thought the insurance (not mine but the person who went into me) will deal with it as they have classed it as a write off and are sending a cheque. What if the insurance say i have to deal with it? Do i just take it back for free and sell parts?
  Clio MK 4
I'm going to ring the insurance as dont want to take it if i'm not allowed but would it not be odd if the insurance pay me full amount and say i can keep it?


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
They usually instruct a slvage agent to collect mate, may have their wires crossed.

Most insurance company's have a contract with local salvage agents.
  Clio MK 4
thought so. will give the insurance a call and get them to ring the garage to sort it. Shall i ring the insurance after i have received the cheque?


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
thought so. will give the insurance a call and get them to ring the garage to sort it. Shall i ring the insurance after i have received the cheque?
Ring them now because if it is up to you to remove it then the longer you leave it the more you could be charged for storage.
  Listerine & Poledo
get in there and get out as many high-value bits as you can scav.

if you can get the engine out while you're there, so much the better

  172 cup
I'm going to ring the insurance as dont want to take it if i'm not allowed but would it not be odd if the insurance pay me full amount and say i can keep it?

I did this on my first car (pug 106)

It was a write off, they sent me a cheque for the amount which was about £600, then I bought the car back for £50.00 or something.
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Mate just had his merc wrote off, no one came to pick it up within a month or so. So he ripped it to parts to make sure it could never be used again, everything off and dents in every panel, using a forklift lol!
