At the end of the day, modifying these cars usually ends up looking tacky.
On about daily or weekend drivers here. They should feel special and not make you feel silly. I'm not judging, but on your profile it shows your age and I think you'd be getting a lot of attention and people taking the piss if you were driving that mate it's shite. Put the money into proper mods. Lower it, get a snarly exhaust and induction if you want it to stand out but that is just maccys w*****s cars and when you come to sell it, it'll be worth f**k all mate.
Totally agree. Obviously everyone knows modifications are always money down the drain, and no one modieifies a car to make money, but often modifications end up making a car worth even less than it would be standard.
I recently saw a 182 trophy heavily modified, I think it's a waste as a car like that fully stock will probably go up in value as it ages. I reckon it will be a bit of a classic.
But saying all that when I first started driving I was modifying even car I owned and looking back it just makes me cringe. I'd had a black 1.2 black punto, I had bought tinting spray to tint the rear lights black, put black wolf race wheels on, lowered it to the ground and couldn't get over speed bumps, and the loudest backbox I could get. I thought it was great, but the reality was I looked like a c**t.
Nowadays it's definitely substance over style for me. Anything I do to a car is to improve the drive/performance.