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  MK7 GTD & Mini GP
I want to add like a "bolt on" to my contract.. so i can get internet usage, email etc...

How? I checked the site but could not find anything?


  RARE Unmolested Corsa sxi
go onto Orange world on your phone. i think you can add them from the My Account section on there.
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
Orange are a bit ghey for this.

You can have a 30mb a month package for £8. Which is a bit much imo and 30mb isn't a lot (I used it in 2 days).

Then you can call them and ask for unlimited data for the day (which costs £1)

OR (and this is the case on my contract) you pay the first £1.50 of data each day and then it's unlimited. (So basically if you can't be bothered to call and ask, it costs you 50p extra). (That's on top of my 30mb a month).

You can also have unlimited evening and weekend usage for £5... But seems a bit pointless considering I'm usually at home on evenings and weekends.


  MK7 GTD & Mini GP
Well just spoke to orange.... what a load of turd.

They wont do a good internet/email deal at all... as stated-

30mb? Thats one video LOL
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
In fairness it's a few videos from youtube. They encode them as 3GP for mobile devices which is really bad quality (better than nothing though!!).

But 30mb is about 1 long journey on Googlemaps using terrain view, or as you say a few videos. Loading a page from CS is typically 500kb.
  ex Clio 172 owner :(
That's why after 7 years I left Orange.

They know they are losing customers over this and they seem to not care.

I left Orange on Dolphin 35. £35 for unlimited texts and 550 mins.
Went to t-mobile and on the flext £30 tariff I get effectively 1000 texts and 400 mins or so. Or any combination. I get the web n walk which is 1gb data for £7.50 per month.

I bought a sim free new ex vodaphone N95 8gb (can't get this on tmobile) and sold the standard N95 tmobile gave me.

So now for me, I have the perfect tariff. N95 8gb, effectively unlimited texts, data and calls for £37.50 a month.
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
That's the only gripe I have with them tbh.

Everything else is better than the competition imo. Haven't had a jerk on the phone when I've called them so far.

I'm sure they'll get in line with the data thing, how can they not??

(Although I wouldn't mind 1GB of data...)
