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  Ph 1 172
Now i know that this seems ridiculous but the last couple of days ive been going out in my car as its nice weather, and whenever i go round a corner with a bit of speed the backend steps out and not just slides but its drifts. Then it snaps back round into place, im not lifting off while im going around the corner nor am i going at silly speeds. my cars lowered 60mm and it usually goes round these corners fine but for some reason its just gone a bit wrong lately. anyone got any idea what could be wrong with it?? my tires are all brand new by the way. an the tires pressure is fine shocks and springs seem of but not really sure how to check them!! anything else it could be?


ClioSport Club Member
condition of rear tyres, and the tyre preasures. would be the obvious 1st things to check.
Nothin wrong with that. Your probably used to the car now and can go faster round corners. Check your speedo, see what your actually doing!
  Ph 1 172
lol i knew someone would say it was fun but it scared the s**t out of me lol ill have a check of the tyre pressure and ill check my speedo but could it be the shocks or anything? and rear tyres are new on the back although one is a pirelli p6000 and the others is a unisport rain tyre its the pirrelli side that keeps sliding.
check the rear dampers yeah. Probably taken a bit of a pounding from the stiffer springs. Sounds a larf mate.
  2003 172
ivan had a problem with his rear shock leaking and that caused his backend to step out when going 30mph or more round corners. could be that?


ClioSport Club Member
  4 wheels
my backend seems to step out alot when going round corners its done it for a while thought it gets on my nerves aswell because i dont need to be even dong 30
check your shocks aren't knackered, if your cars really bouncy then i'd change them, if you've just lowered it on springs and not uprated the shocks, its a common thing on all cars as standard shocks wernt made to be lowered thar far really
  Ph 1 172
okies rear dampeners checked and there is no leak and no bouncyness the compress and then return to there starting postion almost instantly might just try and get used to it lol but seriously anything else it could be i dont really know much about the back end of a clio
  corsa ecoflex
rear dampers are shot/leaking....i had the same problem so once changed to new ones all is finally drive the 172 how is should be
  PH1 172
lol i knew someone would say it was fun but it scared the s**t out of me lol ill have a check of the tyre pressure and ill check my speedo but could it be the shocks or anything? and rear tyres are new on the back although one is a pirelli p6000 and the others is a unisport rain tyre its the pirrelli side that keeps sliding.

I would check your rear dampners and I would also have the same make tyres on the rear mate.....


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
Maybe the first owner opted for rear wheel drive and a nissan lump, have you checked under the bonnet?:eek:
  MX5 MK2.5 SVT 1.8 Sport
Camber! When you drop the car on standard shocks the damper rate is used to different camber, have it checked as too much camber on the rear on ff cars gives less grip past a point. Could also be rubbers too crack out the crowbar!
  172 FF
Did you have the same make/type of tyres on before? if you picked a new type of tyre it will react different to what your used to.
& different types of trye mix might be what is causing the instability of grip.
  learning in corsa 1.3tb
have it plugged into clip mate cos the Yaw sensor could have gone. Its a small balck box that sits just behind the gear stick in the plastic tunnel bit
  ITB'd MK1
mismatched tyres are never a great idea but shouldn't be that bad. Pirelli p6000 is a shocking tyre however. How did you check the rear shocks?

Quite common this time of year for the road to be a bit more greasy even in the dry. First rain after a bit of sun and a lot of oil comes to the surface.
