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Palm PRE.......iPhone killer ??



Seen this in the new stuff mag, thought id share, i could possibly be interested actually :) although it a bit teenie (tiny)

[youtube]<object width="480" height="295"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="295"></embed></object>[/youtube]


^lol...yeah i heard they may be changing some features... end of 09 iirc... just in time for the nano iphone release


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.

You can google WITHOUT opening the web browser.

The iPhone is dead.
  330Ci (Fail)Sport
Isn't this the phone Apple are suing over because of the multi-touch???

It looks a bit crap tbh, style wise.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
Isn't this the phone Apple are suing over because of the multi-touch???

It looks a bit crap tbh, style wise.

That's the one. Apple's patents on the multi-touch system were approved recently and they did say they will react to anyone using the same technology.
  330Ci (Fail)Sport
That's the one. Apple's patents on the multi-touch system were approved recently and they did say they will react to anyone using the same technology.

Will be interesting to see if Palm try to risk it, doubt it, its probably a big marketing ploy.
  SLK 350
Will be interesting to see if Palm try to risk it, doubt it, its probably a big marketing ploy.

Of course they'll risk it, most of Apples pending patents are "a device of any kind, that allows more than 1 digit to be used at a time, including fruit" which is frankly so vague they'd be laughed out of court. They do have more specific patents for things like friction based scrolling, which would stand up I imagine.

It'll be released, and it'll be's Palm after all. But they won't capture the market the way Apple has, they missed the boat on that one and that goes for any device yet to launch, it almost doesn't matter how good it is.

I watched a video demo on it ages ago, and they really have took the pish with some of the functions, but they have introduced some nice gestures I wish Apple would integrate.


Looks a bit too small from the tube video's... think the iphone albeit with a few insignificant flaws has nothing to worry about. in fact am trying soo hard to resist getting one lol
