But who in the right mind would go spend £500+ on a mac when they have never used one?
Sums up most mac users. Style over substance.I specced up a £2k Mac pro G5 the other week, worth it for what you get if you ask me and I was excited about the possibility of buying one, where as pc's, well, I find them about as interesting as a concrete block so I would not in a million years even consider spending that sort of money on a one.
But i'd say i'm good with computers, i've never had problems with viruses, and surely the "average user" would have no idea how to use a MAC
Sums up most mac users. Style over substance.I specced up a £2k Mac pro G5 the other week, worth it for what you get if you ask me and I was excited about the possibility of buying one, where as pc's, well, I find them about as interesting as a concrete block so I would not in a million years even consider spending that sort of money on a one.
How so?it just so happens the mac works better for what I do
How so?it just so happens the mac works better for what I do
Yes, IBM (why just IBM I don't know) should have made a pretty PC too.The problems seem to always stem from people sending PC generated work with the wrong colour matches. That is why PC's are not the industry standard and why apple have their own industry standard colour calibration table.
Pick 20 high profile design for print companies at random and phone them, I bet at least 19 use Macs over anything else.
If that's the way 'industry the has gone' then IBM and the like have missed a trick not getting in on the act.
ANYTHING made by apple is for the image conscious. They are big, white and gay. If you want something that can do anything you could need and for less money than a Mac then get a pc. If you want something that is designed for people who want it to look pretty rather than be functional then buy a MAc. Usually those who buy macs dont really know much about pc's etc and just buy what all the rich boys are getting because its 'cool'.
Buy a PC and save some cash.
I still don't get how a MAC can be any easier to use, i turn my pc on load firefox/word etc how would a mac do this any better.
Except the long, arduous wait for everything to load.I bought one after using a Mac laptop and seeing someone else's iMac. I hate going back to my work pc.
I still don't get how a MAC can be any easier to use, i turn my pc on load firefox/word etc how would a mac do this any better.
Because everything just works with a Mac, instantly.
I think I'll go buy a Mac now.You crazy people.. PC vs Mac is SOOOOO last year.
OSX absolutle owns Vista as a desktop OS.. I've used both extensivly side by side.. but, my MBP is now being sold and I'm sticking with my Dell..![]()
Why? Cus' I generally feel Windows works better for me.. so that's what I'm going to be using..
Loads times, spyware, viruses, pah.. not advantages to me, as none of it affects me on either OSX or Windows.
Using the thing does affect me..
I think I'll go buy a Mac now.
Yes, IBM (why just IBM I don't know) should have made a pretty PC too.The problems seem to always stem from people sending PC generated work with the wrong colour matches. That is why PC's are not the industry standard and why apple have their own industry standard colour calibration table.
Pick 20 high profile design for print companies at random and phone them, I bet at least 19 use Macs over anything else.
If that's the way 'industry the has gone' then IBM and the like have missed a trick not getting in on the act.
That point above states what I said. It's the way the industry has gone. The Mac doesn't do anything the PC doesn't, it's just a lot of designers went with Macs and it became a standard. Doesn't make it any better. Betamax was a better standard than VHS, yet we all know who won.
I bought one after using a Mac laptop and seeing someone else's iMac. I hate going back to my work pc.
I still don't get how a MAC can be any easier to use, i turn my pc on load firefox/word etc how would a mac do this any better.
Because everything just works with a Mac, instantly.
To be fair Karen, haven't you had quite a few issues with your Mac(s) in the past?
What RichRSi says about the designers with Macs and making things easier, really does ring true. We have a few web firms and printers that send DVDs over for our G5 guy. We tend to have very, very few issues with anything that comes it. Open it up on the Mac and away he goes. That's not to say however, that we don't have similar situations with our PCs though!
To be fair Karen, haven't you had quite a few issues with your Mac(s) in the past?
What RichRSi says about the designers with Macs and making things easier, really does ring true. We have a few web firms and printers that send DVDs over for our G5 guy. We tend to have very, very few issues with anything that comes it. Open it up on the Mac and away he goes. That's not to say however, that we don't have similar situations with our PCs though!
I think you'll find that was a HDD issue and lets face it you show me a machine made by any manufacturer that is 100% immune to that and I'll bare my ass on national TV.
I'd never go back to a PC by choice after having a mac now.
My PC broke so im using my G4 powermac, next month im getting a macbook pro, once you have had mac you wont go back, no joke.
To be fair Karen, haven't you had quite a few issues with your Mac(s) in the past?
What RichRSi says about the designers with Macs and making things easier, really does ring true. We have a few web firms and printers that send DVDs over for our G5 guy. We tend to have very, very few issues with anything that comes it. Open it up on the Mac and away he goes. That's not to say however, that we don't have similar situations with our PCs though!
I think you'll find that was a HDD issue and lets face it you show me a machine made by any manufacturer that is 100% immune to that and I'll bare my ass on national TV.
I'd never go back to a PC by choice after having a mac now.