I see what you did there. And have no comeback as its the most accurate thing said in the history of accuracy 
Is there any info on times and when we should be arriving
It will be an early one anyway mate think everyone is meeting at baxters just off the slip road from kelty and convoying up? Could be wrong tho
Plenty of Dorito coloured ladies to be had too.
Ah yeah forgot too say depends where you coming from but think the fife boys are all meeting there
I'm no sure need too wait in see time we can get in but earlier the better so can set up the stand as are we not suppose too be getting stuff sent up? Plus il want too give my car another cheeky wee detail weather permitting of course but would prob be round about 7:20 at baxters il meet you Wayne in who ever else is up for meeting there
Yeah sounds like a plan, I'm the same mate, it'll be getting a going over week before tho lol
hi every one iv just joined clio sport iv got a clio 3 1.4s im from the west of scotland and just want to know how the whole stand thing works
Ye we shall all try get in the same group!
Can jump in with me mate, I always try take out as many as possible!
+1 should have some space at some point.
I just need to get up early enough to get there for first signing on :sleepy:
Don't be silly you're always late!!
Come down the night before and crash on someone's couch?
Good idea that, Morgan, free bed at mine if you want to come down the night before.
LOL Cliosports version of brokeback mountain
LOL Cliosports version of brokeback mountain
Ken.Poofed it iirc
Don't be silly you're always late!!
Good idea that, Morgan, free bed at mine if you want to come down the night before.
Want to join in just ask lol
Im just facing reality.. I'll be f**king hammered the night before.. Infact, I'll probably still be up getting s**t-faced whilst you's are arriving at Knockhill.
Happy hangover!!
Ye we shall all try get in the same group!
Can jump in with me mate, I always try take out as many as possible!