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Ph-Quick today. Drool.

  Clio 172 mk2
lol at this phase 1 vs phase 2 stuff and the 'purist' attitudes of the Mk1 owners.

Still great cars but looks a matter of preference..I still think Renault has progressed in theis department from teh Mk1 right through to the 197.
  LY V6 with Recaros
I love them from a front on view, but every other angle just looks like a normal clio, especially from the back. But don't get me wrong, I still like them! Just prefer mine ;)


ClioSport Club Member
theres many points in this thread that are valid, but they are all opinions

i think the phase1 is definately the more masculin car, the phase 2's are quite girly and as said previously do not really express much presence on the road. however i do have to agree that the phase 1 apart from the front is quite bland and doesn't really look like much special (however i do find this a good thing for the points some have made)

looks wise though i will stick true to my roots and say neither the phase 1 or 2 are better looking than a valver or willy

as for handling i can't really say yet...
  Chocolate Bar™
i had the option of buying a ph2 or a ph1 when buying mine and tbh the ph2s just didnt do much for me, also very common round here and i think i've only ever seen 2 other ph1's. Rear of the ph2s is better front of the ph1s is, sorted!
