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PH3 Immobiliser probs

  1996 Clio Rsi
I had the good old leking sun roof problem on my Rsi and the remote receiver has been effected. It works when it wants to, ONLY. even when i hold the fob real close to the sensor it still dicks about. Anyway to disengage the immobiliser as a tempory measure.




ClioSport Club Member
what you want to disenagage the immob, well i dont think you can just get a reciever as there plug and play


ClioSport Club Member
no as long as it from a clio then its fine it only recieves a signal, its the decoder that diecides if the code is right
  Oyster Card
Take the unit out and soak it in WD40 you might be able to revive it, if so wrap it in a sandwich bag for now to water proof it.
WD40? i wouldn't it will eat the copper. Take the unit out and clean the tracks and also corrosion with alcohol based products, even aftershave will work.

The immobiliser is different in phase 3's to the ones found in phase1/2's. You need to find a reciever out of the correct phase or the car won't unlock because the circuitry is different.
I had this.

Take out the receiver, clean it all up with some electrical cleaner.. wrap it in a food bag and put it back.

Sorted! :D
