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Phone swap with SyCd

  Clio 1.2 Grande
I recently swapped my K800i with SyCd. i sent him it and gave him money to send his p990 to me. No contact from him. I know he has teh phone as he is on here talkin about it. he is even askin about p990 firmware udpates,as recently as yesterday. Surely thats teh one he was going to send me unless of course he has 2. Although I doubt this.

Anyone have any suggestions as to what to do? I have tried pming him but no response from him. I have his address etc. and was considering goujng to the police. Overall I am rather annoyed.
  Fiat Panda 100hp
jesus, glad i didnt give him my k800i. Are you close to his address? just go round and ask for it.
Dude i've got records of the PM's and quite frankly ive replyed to everyone ive recived from you. Whenim home tonight i'll give you the tracking number and hell i'll even take a bloody picture of the card to show you it.

Don't much fancy you trying to making an example of me like this!

ps: I was asking about the firmware update to tell you about it! (Cause i was trying to be a helpful chap)
  Clio 1.2 Grande
LOL i apologize:eek: we shall see. Its just strange how long its taking perhaps its coz its xmas they hav loads of stuff...

Once again i apologize. My intention was not to tarnish your name but jus to get a lil advice. It does not help when your girlfrend and mother are constantly telling you you have been had.
Tracking number is DH 6360 2194 0GB. ill even post a picture of the orange slip i got the number on tomorrow whenever im home.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
I have the new R9 firmware.

But its not public yet, the MR-2 update is due in jan now.

Play nice..
