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Please Help!!!

  172 FF
Ive bought some Alpine coaxials for to replace the front speakers in my clio. However they have just metal prongs on them, one larger than the other. How do I caonnect the existing wires from my HU to these new speakers as the wiring from the HU has a strange white connector block on it? Please help if you can as Im stumped. Thanks
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
The terminals are different sizes to denote polarity, look closely at them you will see they are marked.
Its really important to get them the right way round, so look at your standard speakers for the same markings and note down the wire colours before you pull the wires off off.

you will need some crimp terminals to match or short adaptor looms.

DON'T whatever you do, solder onto speaker terminals, you will damage the speaker beyond repair.
  172 FF
cheers mate managed to get them connected up finaly lol they sound good. got the sub and amp wired up too much better than standard renault sounds !
