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please help :)

hia people am toby,new to the site

just got my self a silver clio 172 sport last week realy pleased with it :).

feel its time to start moding it abit:cool:

don't really understand the site that mutch....stil trying to get used it lol.

how the hell to i go about looking for bits people have for sale on here as i can't see them :( well it won't let me on it.

thanks toby :).


ClioSport Club Member
you have to be a paid member mate, some of the usual mods are silver visions, lowered slightly yada yada. mainly just subtle mods that dont make the car look a shopping trolley.

ps. welcome along
cheers,how mutch is it to become a member ect? thing it sucks abit you have to be a member to buy bits lol

really looking for a set of lowering springs (about 40mm) just for this mounth till i get payed then it will be time to get some k-tec coilovers and few over bits


ClioSport Club Member
It is well worth the £10 membership even if only for the goodies alone, tbh mate if your getting k-tec coilovers dont bother with the 40mm lowering springs and put the £70 towards the coilovers instead
not bad price tbh, bit struck for cash tho i get pay and need the spring start of end week is there any for sale on here?
the_gman yer thinking that but have a meet next week and really wnt the car to look abit beter,alredy geting the wheel sprayed up in a gun metel grey so wnt it lowering abit please help :)


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
If you pay the £10 membership, you will get that back in discount from k-tec.

Its the best value forum on the interweb.
If you pay the £10 membership, you will get that back in discount from k-tec.

Its the best value forum on the interweb.

really??? thats good :) altho like i said i wnt be geting them till next mounth but need springs next week thanks for all help :)
likeing the sound of it :) i really cnt wait to start geting some good bits on car and get it looking how i wnt it to
