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Plus net broad band

  CBR1000RR Fireblade
BT tested the line for me, plusnet have installed a substandard line that can only support upto 2Mbs download. It's plusnets fault not BTs.

I have no experience with orange broadband so i cant comment.
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
I havent been clear, BT installed a line on plusnets behalf. the line is s**t and im changing to BT
  Nothing at the mo :(
Nope you explained it clear.. BT installed the line so there is now a problem.. Meaning maybe BT didnt install the line correctly
  Nothing at the mo :(
I cant see going from Plusnet to BT will make any difference.. if there is a problem with the line it wont make any difference who you use


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
It's BT's line, Plusnet are kinda part of BT mate.

It's also not Plusnets fault you have a crap speed where you live.
  Bumder With A Buffer
And it won't be a problem with the line.

It will be your distance from the exchange your connected too. Most providers will be the same speed.
  Nothing at the mo :(
Yeah from the sounds of it it will be bad with whoever you are with.. maybe wait til fibre optic is in your area?
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
Hmm... 0.1 Mbs a second upload on plusnet or 5.2 Mbs upload on BT... For a similar price a month.... I think I will be going for BT.

I don't know for certain what has gone on but my previous provider was knocking out speeds of 10 to 15 Mbs download. After I changed providers to plus net it's dropped to s**t speeds.
  Nothing at the mo :(
But you just told us you had a new line fitted? so them speeds was either a) not at your current address , b) you had a new phone line instead
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
Lol at this.

This place amazes me.

I forgot CS has "special" members that need to wear arm bands when they drink soup.

Moving on, same house, same line, s**t speeds. What's annoyed me is plusnet telling me I'd have an average up load speed of around 1 Mbs and I have a third of that. Also that it took an hour to download IOS 5.0.1 when with my old provider an IOS update would take around 10 mins.

After that, I'm out. I wouldn't recommend anyone uses plus net (my opinion)


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
I forgot CS has "special" members that need to wear arm bands when they drink soup.

Moving on, same house, same line, s**t speeds. What's annoyed me is plusnet telling me I'd have an average up load speed of around 1 Mbs and I have a third of that. Also that it took an hour to download IOS 5.0.1 when with my old provider an IOS update would take around 10 mins.

After that, I'm out. I wouldn't recommend anyone uses plus net (my opinion)

You are the special member in this case.

You will get the same speeds with BT. Your problem is distance based/exchange usage. The only way you will get better speeds will be with a cable provider.

Why was virgin s**t before you changed? Slow speeds?

BT own, hence why they can be cheaper than BT for line rental. You have a BT line, if you switch to BT you will be using the same sodding line.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Me still no understand. Why pay £50 to have a line installed if you already had a line before?
  2007 clio dynamique
Im guessing the new line was because he was with virgin before so didnt have an active bt line as virgin doesnt use it
  Bumder With A Buffer
So thats why there was an issue then.

Virgin would of been over Coax and Plusnet normal twisted copper.

Christ this is hard
  I love Lamp
This made me giggle. Should research before jumping the gun, going to make another mistake too by the sounds of it..

Anyways Plusnet are brilliant, their customer service is fantastic, I was with BT on their s**tty line which gave us 0.13 download speed for months and everytime we phoned BT India all we got was fobbed off stuff like "we will send you a new splitter as that will be the problem" or "we will run tests and monitor it for a week" bla bla.. Knew full well it was the line so switched to plusnet and they actually fixed it after lots of tests and engineers, plus you can see everything that is going on in the support ticket, brilliant service and you speak to English voices!!
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  Bumder With A Buffer
^^^ what you on about BT said the line will take 5.2mb so of course that's the speed he will get.

  CBR1000RR Fireblade
Why was virgin s**t before you changed? Slow speeds?



this is a recent one of my plusnet service;


after further investigation plusnet have admitted a faulty line is to blame and both my phone and my broadband have been disconnecting frequently. the longest either have stayed connected today has been just over 5 mins. this is disrupting the speeds that can be sent down the line because as most of you know you have to leave your router on constantly or your provider thinks your line cant handle the speeds that are going down it and it lifts them and slows.

thats the first thing, the second is that for some unknown reason (plusnet them selves dint even know why they have done this) plusnet have issued a ADSL2 wireless router but connected us with just an ADSL connection. i spoke with them (again) today and plusnet couldnt explain why they had done this but that they would change my connection over to an ADSL2 giving me upto 24 Mbs down and upto 5 Mbs up for no extra cost. win.

im getting there with plusnet now, im starting to think im glad and stayed to give them a chance. there customer support is good, the main thing i like about it is the plusnet forum which is very helpful.

the other thing that im happy about is plusnet fibre being installed at my exchange in december and plusnet informing me that i can swap straight over to fibre when its released. this will give me upto 40 Mbs down and 10 Mbs up apparantly, another win.

i will post some speed tests when everything has been sorted
How far are you from the actual exchange?

Hopefully the estimation on Fibre dates is correct, the do generally get pushed back.
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
How far are you from the actual exchange?

Hopefully the estimation on Fibre dates is correct, the do generally get pushed back.

its at the bottom of my road and fibre is being installed and tested now ready for release at the end of december


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
its at the bottom of my road and fibre is being installed and tested now ready for release at the end of december

I doubt your exchange is at the bottom of your road if your getting those speeds over copper, you sure that's not just your BT junction box? Plusnet are not the cause of this, your s**tty copper connection is. Hopefully FFTC will help improve your speeds when its live in your area. End of the day you can't expect a copper cable to bring the same speeds as a cable line to your house from Virgin.

I'm a Plusnet customer on the Extra package with the Pro and Premium Upload add ons and been happy with them for over 2 years. I've recently had a problem with my line dropping whenever my phone was rung which took a while to fix but as per normal, it was a BT wholesale issue with the line card at my local exchange, not with the ISP, it would of been the same issue with any of them.
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
Yes, yes it is. BT and plusnet both told me this.

I didn't know that plusnet would be much different from virgin. If I did I would never have swapped provider.

Btw I also have plusnets extra package with the gaming bolt on and my speeds so far have been shite.

I'm currently waiting on my service to be switched from ADSL to ADSL 2. I will post the speeds I get when it has switched over.


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Yes, yes it is. BT and plusnet both told me this.

I didn't know that plusnet would be much different from virgin. If I did I would never have swapped provider.

Btw I also have plusnets extra package with the gaming bolt on and my speeds so far have been s**te.

I'm currently waiting on my service to be switched from ADSL to ADSL 2. I will post the speeds I get when it has switched over.

The Extra package and Pro (Gaming) bolt on won't help with speeds though, they just give you better priority at peek times which in turn helps to lower your ping when gaming. If you're getting slow speeds, your most likely either to far from the exchange to get anything better, there's an issue on your line somewhere, something your end is interfering with your line or your IP profile is fooked. Plusnet as a company do have a clue compared to alot of other huge ISP's out there, no doubt there are a few drips on the first line support help desk but that can't be avoided really :)
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
Today we established the line is definitely fubar'd. They are supposed to be sending an engineer out Monday to do some tests and replace the line if needed


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Good luck! It's always pot luck if you get a decent Openreach engineer! The second one I had out for my last fault managed to stop my broadband and line working for a week due to him f**king my line up at the exchange... TOP BLOKE! lol.
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
check this out for s***s and giggles;


that is faster (apart from the ping) than my broadband connection and guess what, that is using my iphone on vodafone tethering. so my 3G on my phone is faster than my broadband... WTF?

something is seriously wrong there
