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Polishing Swirls

  clio 172 ph1
My car went in for a polish the other day and has come out with swirl marks all over the paint. You especially notice it in direct sunlight. Any ideas on the best way to take them out?? Cheers......
  106 GTi
Ideally a decent machine polish by someone who knows how to use the machine without making more swirls, you will have your work cut out by hand and probably wont be able to shift them all even after hours of polishing by hand.

The marks that they have induced with a rotary polisher no doubt will have to be removed by a skilled rotary user or by PC.
  clio 172 ph1
I heard that the meguirs swirl remover is quite good. Would i just be wasting my time with this do you think?
  106 GTi
Scratch X is good, but by hand to do a whole car is very hard work, if the swirls have been induced by machine, it will proabably take a machine to remove them.
  Monaco Blue Mk2
I'm considering getting some scratch x and doing one pannel every time I wash it and then follow that with the usual SRP and EGP etc. rather than trying to do the whole car at once and since I dont know any "PC'ers"!

Slow and steady wins the race...!
  Monaco Blue Mk2
Rich said:
Thats the way to do, bit by bit.

Roof and bonnet are the killers.

Haha yeah! Can imagine. I was thinking of the roof first to get it out of the way, followed by the bonnet the next time. But I think I'd want to try and get the key scratches out on my passenger rear quarter and one on the door. :mad: Cúnts.
  Monaco Blue Mk2
Rich said:
Yeah getting the big panels done first is wise.

How deeps the damage? :(

One is bad, can feel it when you run your finger over it. Think it's pretty much down to primer, probably a chips away jobbie but may be worth a go with scratch x first. The other two are fairly light but show up white, think they're fairly much surface though.
jon1 said:
My car went in for a polish the other day and has come out with swirl marks all over the paint. You especially notice it in direct sunlight. Any ideas on the best way to take them out?? Cheers......

Where did you take it?
