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Posh RCA Cables

  A3 1.8T+Clio 182 FF
Is it worth buying some higher quality RCA cables for an amp? ive only got a small 900w sub and mono block using the cables that came with the amp just wondering if id benefit from swopping the RCA's for some posh ones. (ones i have arn't gold plated (not damaged though)).


ClioSport Club Member
In a basic car audio setup you're not going to be able to tell the difference so it would be wasting your money. The only reason I'd buy better quality cables is for build quality. They'll last longer and be less flimsy.
  A3 1.8T+Clio 182 FF
ok dude cheers. not too sure if the ones i have are shielded so may get some cheap shielded ones for peace of mind.
