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power lead from battery to car


ClioSport Club Member
  GTi 7.5 pp/Mx5 nd2
im bein lazy here but i just bought a mk1 172 and wanderin if anyone knew the easiest route to feed the power lead from the battery into the boot?
  Milano Premier CTR
ive just being doing this today, there is a gromit where the bonnet release cable goes through in the passenger footwell, do a search theres loads of help and advice in other threads.


ClioSport Club Member
  GTi 7.5 pp/Mx5 nd2
ok thanks mate.
how did you get in there?!?! this is one thing i miss about the bmw - space!! might just get the drill out and be a ruff b*gger.
piece of piss, unclip the PAS resevoir from the bulkhead and put your hand down behind the heat insulation/sound deadening material on the bulkhead you'll be able to feel the grommit. you can see where it comes into the footwell if you look up under the glovebox in the passengers footwell.
