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problems with msn


ClioSport Club Member
  is non-existent
anyone else having problems logging on? keeps coming up with an error message saying imnot connected to the internet
  500bhp Scoob
yea I had a problem with mine, thought it was where I've been pulling network cables about at home, after I reset my router it worked, so thought it was that lol.
  2.0 175dci rs meggy
mines down to - has been for a couple of days - also my internet explorer windows will not view - i use aol so this has it own browser - i some thimes just use the explorer window but this will not work - also i can not log on to maybe its all for the same reason - any one else having problems
  Golf GTI 1.8T
had problems on the pc's msn but nothing at all on my laptop. recommend just re-installing normally sorts out any glitch its got.
