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Problems with my bluetooth/parrot kit


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Hello geeks.

I dropped my old phone in the bath last week and have had a new one on insurance. I lost all my numbers etc so i've had to manually put them all in to the new phone.

Now when I get in the van, the parrot still picks up the phone and works, but it only displays the callers number and not the name.

What have I done wrong or what should I do?



ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Have a browse of the manual for the parrot, might shed some light.

Is the phone the same model?


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Have a browse of the manual for the parrot, might shed some light.

Is the phone the same model?

Fcuk knows mate. Old one was a blackberry, new one is a blackberry. It looks a bit different though.

I'll have to find out what parrot it is and download a manual, it came in the van when I bought it.


ClioSport Club Member
  986'S 172ph1+182FF
Clear all the old connections on your parrot in the menu option think its in the settings bit. Reconnet your new phone and sync your phone book (should do that auto matically) fricking love my parrot kit, mrs couldnt live without hers either.
