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Quick mobile phone prob

Im on Orange and my girlfriends on O2. Shes been texting me but over roughly a 48 hour period i havent recieved one text!
Went round hers and she put a delivery report on and sent a text and it came back as pending.

Now iv been recieving texts from other folk and so has she plus we can call each other ok.

Anyone know what the problem is and who's phone network its likely to be with the ''pending'' thing?

  Black 197
Wrong section btw

I'm on O2 too and i've been having a prob with my Texts lately... People saying they have text me but never arrived then a day later or so it turns up... My bet is its with your GF's phone. O2 can be pretty sh*te at times
  BG V6, LY 182
Atm 02 sucks :(

IMO because of the Iphone.

That many people opting for the iphone, and with it being the only network (or ment to be) for the iphone, i guess its having its effects. Signal has dropped alot over the last few month :(
Strange how not even one texts come through tho :S

Mates were all raving about O2 and the recent deals. I used to be with them years back but always found it to be a bit of a budget service


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
I'm on PAYG, never missed a beat TBH and i sent/ recieve a good amount of texts.
