Bell 990 (or is it the 550 now?) is the dogs danglies. Ive got one and itll pick a gatso up from 200m+.

Its got the full 5-band detection but comes with X-band switched off so wont go mental in town all the time. You do still get a few false alarms from petrol station doors and the occasional traffic light sensor, but you soon learn where they are and ignore them.
As for laser detectors, although most radar detectors have them built in they are ultimately a bit pointless, as Laser has no scatter like radar waves do so the only time it will go off is when youve been done in the 0.3seconds it takes to register a speed. (Mine occasionally goes off under dual-carriageway bridges too but I assume thats from the traffic master number plate readers that work out the average speed on the road network.) The only way to increase your chances of avoiding getting done is to buy a laser diffuser for about £225 (i think), but then you run the risk of getting pulled for perverting the course of justice. A bloke has been nicked for this recently, but as far as I know its still awaiting going to court.
Down-side of normal radar/laser detectors is that they dont pick up SPECS cameras and Truvelo front-facing no-radar cameras, so the GPS based detectors are better for that - but with those you dont pick up plod and his mobile camera van...
You pays ya money...!