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rain x

done a quick search on here, but not really come back with good results.

simple question. i polish my windscreen and it always makes the water bead and helps visibility greatly.

would you apply rain x as well/what are people's opinions and experiences of the stuff?

Ive heard (and never used it) that its good but your windscreen is never the same again and you need to keep applying it.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Collinites 476 on my windows mate, rain x is crap imo.
Nothing beads like a good layer of 476!
  Broken Diesel Megane :(
Ive heard (and never used it) that its good but your windscreen is never the same again and you need to keep applying it.

agree with this. left a sort of film over my windscreen. wouldnt recommend myself.

just wax the windows with whatever the rest of the car gets.
  1998 BMW e46 323i
was great for about a week, then needed re-application and really frequent cleaning. I bought new wipers and removed rain x with nail polish remover.
Rain X is epic. Lasts for weeks and weeks too, despite rain and washing!

coudlnt reccomend it enough


ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
I love the stuff. Drove down the m40 last night, in the dark, raining. Didn't even have to use the wipers, just runs off at speed.
  53 Clio's & counting
i bought some, and i find it lasts quite well if i dont need to use my washers, but if i spray my windscreen,the screenwash i use (VW) must make it must come off, its good but there is better on the market, and you need to use alot of it to get it to work
  1998 BMW e46 323i
IMO at first it is immense, above 30 or 40 mph the rain just flies off. I drove 14 miles to work in heavy rain the day after 1st application without wipers in heavy heavy rain.

Then slowly the rain doesn't fall off quite so readily, and only at higher speeds.

And finally for me the windcreen just smeared to f**k. Not sure if the salt on the roads was partly to blame, but I was having to spray screenwash all the f**king time. So I just removed the stuff.
I used it for the Nurburgring last year and it was very impressed. Havent bothered re-applying it since then though.


ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
I use the treatment and the wash additive, so you reapply everytime you use screenwash.
I love the stuff. Drove down the m40 last night, in the dark, raining. Didn't even have to use the wipers, just runs off at speed.

i wanted to say that, but for fear of people telling me im a cuntchop, i never :)

but yes. fantastic stuff :approve:
  Clio DCi and a 306 GTi-6
I've used this most of the last decade on all my cars and for valeting other cars,people phone me to ask what i've used on their windows as water doesnt stay on them lol..
Absolutely epic stuff..Don't need wipers even in storms,,soon as water hits the windows and your moving it instantly beads off ...Fantastic stuff if used correctly !!!
clean windows properly then apply to smear,then buff off with damp kitchen roll etc and then re-apply as before...lasts for a good month and even withstands jetwashing and like i said never use wiper blades unless stationary no matter how hard the rain....
  1.8 Civic EX
I've used this most of the last decade on all my cars and for valeting other cars,people phone me to ask what i've used on their windows as water doesnt stay on them lol..
Absolutely epic stuff..Don't need wipers even in storms,,soon as water hits the windows and your moving it instantly beads off ...Fantastic stuff if used correctly !!!
clean windows properly then apply to smear,then buff off with damp kitchen roll etc and then re-apply as before...lasts for a good month and even withstands jetwashing and like i said never use wiper blades unless stationary no matter how hard the rain....

I think this might be the bit that most poeple miss. When buffing off it's much better if the cloth you use is damp. If you try to buff it off with a dry cloth it just smears and goes a bit shitty.

I like the stuff, works a treat and last a long ol time too. Obviously (with everything) the more you use it over time the better it gets IMO
trying to strip this off my screen at the moment and build it back up, its starting to smear.

tips for banishing it?
  clio 182 & Fiesta RSTurbo
Carlack glass sealant all the way - lasts 3-6 months between applications


This stuff is much better than rain-x and it comes with a wicked glass cleaner, Also carlack can be used on the side windows, rear screen, wing mirrors, front lights and rear lights.

As said above last 3-6months but will last longer. :D:D
