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Ram air system

My mate is on about getting a ram air system for his Mondeo. Apparently this is better than an induction kit as it adds more power, and works in a different way, by forcing air into the engine. Has anyone else heard of this? How much are they? Where do you get them from?

ram air DOES NOT work at the speeds you can achieve on a rd car.

You will not be able to create any positive pressure on a rd car induction system. The only rd car that can feasably make even near 1psi of positive pressure is the Mclaren F1, and even at its top speed you looking at power it cant use.

No point and anybody that tells you it works, ask them to prove it theoretically and practically.

saying "it feels faster" jsut doesnt work, the majority of any power gains comes from a much cooler inlet temp.
  1995 Mondeo Speed Machine

Oh dear, did somoeone mention Ram Air. You better hope Nick doesnt read this!;)
