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Rattly door card


ClioSport Club Member
  RB 182
My drivers door card rattles and has done since i bought the car but is now getting annoying:mad:

It only rattle first thing in the morning when its cold :S

It sounds like its the door card..Ive put sticky pads under the trims and under the speaker grills so it has to be the door ........Is the door card difficult to remove? and what actually could be rattling inside?

May tackle this tommorow.


ye thats coz of the different revs it idles at when cold.
nah dead easy.

pull off door pillar trim, and mirrior trim.
then torx bit on door handle, unhook the cable,

torx bit of grab handle. unclip the leccy windows switches

4 torx screwx on bottom edge of door card, pull from bottom out, hard, to unclip the clips.

lift up.
its off
