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realised I've never actually said hi!

Was looking today and although i've appeared to ask stuff randomly over the last 7 months i've had my clio for, i realised i'd not actually introduced my self!

So I'm a electronics student at Bath university studying computers, electronics and communications, although during this year i'm on placement working in Basingstoke, although i've actually lived all my life on a farm in Cornwall (and still go back to see parents and stuff!). So I can't actually say i'm living anwhere at the mo, Cornwall is real home, Basingstoke is weekday home and Bath is weekend home as I go and see my bf 3 weekends a month!

The first car I ever saw and wanted whilst learning to drive... going past the renault dealers and seeing a second hand clio sport outside, although not knowing it was a sport my dreams were ruined by the price! but it made a gd starting point 3 yrs on, being a poor student doing lots of miles the 1.5dci was more financially sensible, so i found the mk2ph2 1.5(65[sold as 80 :-s]) and grabbed it. and never looked back at the fiesta ( well only sometimes, it was my first car and all that... had some v.scary moments in it!) and hopefully one day i'll get the 172...

Now i'm still making the car mine, and i hope i wont get too annoying asking questions, but i'd really love to learn more about the car, now it's "my" first car i can really do stuff, my dad wont touch cars, even changing the oils too much although we have a full workshop and pit on the farm for the tractors! The fiesta wasn't mine so i couldn't touch it so now it's mine can't wait . Only held back by my bf who has an amazing car knowledge but nothing newer than a metro so wont help because the car is too new to play with, so any help for you guys is soo appricieated!
umm, just re read it, maybe i'll edit it a bit shorter didn't really notice i'd rambled so much! sorry!


ClioSport Club Member
  986'S 172ph1+182FF
ahh dci 65, injectors keep fooking up on my mrs dci 65 you cant order them one by one only 4 at a time, at £430 retail its not funny, luckily ive manged to get them for just over £200
