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rear abs sensor replacement help

  monaco 172
im ordering a new rear abs sensor in the morning from west renault, and i came to take my old one off tonight and this is what i found.

the sensor looks like it was held in with tape?

does the metal collar come with the new sensor or is it pressed into the hub?



  monaco 172
There was nothing holding this in really. It was pushed into another plastic housing which was held in by a towx screw. Then there's a metal collar pushed through the hub.
  monaco 172
Will the new one come with the metal sleeve? It seems to be pressed into the hub
Also will The New one come with a new torx screw as I had to drill it off as it was rounded.


ClioSport Club Member
Yes and no. The reason they're a nightmare to get out is because those sleeves get seized into the hub then when you get it out the thing falls apart.

Just put a hex head bolt in to replace it, saves cooking about with torx bits and rounding them off next time the abs sensor goes Pete tong
  monaco 172
Right ok, so the metal sleeve is actually part of the sensor.
So when the new one arrives itl look like this but with the rest of the tip of the sensor and with the sleeve already on it.

I just smashed the sleeve out with a hammer, it was a t**t to get
