Im travelling along in the far right lane of a 3 lane road when athe arse decides to cut me up to get round a truck. I get heavily on the horn to let him know Im there but he still keeps coming so I back off but horn is still going. He then just stops, puts on his hazards, gets out of his car and walks over to threaten me, so I pull out my phone and tell him Im calling the police. He then walks back to his car and sits for another few minutes obviously pissing off the drivers behind me.
About 10km down the way Im now in the left lane and passing all the very slow moving traffic and the arse does it again but this time he violently flings his car in front of me causing me to brake very hard to not hit him. So this is twice hes done it to me and who knows how many others.
Further down the road Im still in the left lane because the cars in the right lane are held up in traffic turning right when a 4x4 slams on brakes and swerves into the left lane (right in front of me) so I slam on brakes and the arse who is now behind the 4x4 and behind me slams on brakes and SWERVES right into my rear right quarter. The damage is light and a good wipe will get rid of most of the paint, but the bumper will need to be sanded down and resprayed.
Now this sort of behavior on the roads is down right dangerous especially when the arses wife is pregnant and in the car with him. What do these people think!!!