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recarro seats

  M135i, 118 coupe
hi guys is it impossible to get the recarro renault seats i have a 182 and im desperate to get some if anyone can help then would be much appreciated although i know some people will suggest scrappies but that would be real rare.
i 'think' you would have to order them from somewhere like demon tweeks, as afaik, renault won't sell them seperately.. im probably wrong though
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
They have Recaro not Renault Sport on them.

And they're something like £1000 with subframes from Recaro. The seat model is Treadline.
Nice chairs but a rip off unless you get them 'free' in a used vehicle. No way are they worth anything NEAR £500 a punt. I would consider getting them as an £850 option in my upcoming spanking 225 though :eek:

Jesus wept, you could buy a top drawer hide sofa for £1000, let alone two f**king chairs with no airbags.
They are very nice seats, and I wanted to get some in mine, but they come to about £1200 including subframes.
  Renaultsport 220T
matty w said:
i have a set in my 172 and will be selling them soon as i've ordered fixed bucket seats

The way forward. ;)

The recaros as an aftermarket option are both overpriced and over weight.

Well done Dave too. :D
