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recommend a mobile tarrif

  tiTTy & SV650
I'm due an upgrade on o2 but o2 is pants in my flat so fancy a change.

  • I want 200mins a month +
  • unlimited texts
  • free wap browsing
What's recommended? Probably Orange or Tmobile as I know they work in the flat.

Want it as cheap as poss, would ideally keep my mobile number too.
I'd look into o2 simplicity tbh. All the stuff you get on a contract but you don't get a phone though.
  tiTTy & SV650
o2 is useless in my flat so I've ruled them out I need to stand at a window or on my balcony to take a call on o2
  Fiat Bravo Active TJet
£15 sim only at voda.. 300 mins unlimited texts.

Can get mobile internet for an extra £7.50 per month, or for £1 on the day that you use it, depends how often you use it really.
  R35 GTR
02 simplicity just under £20 a month, i think it's 600 min + tonnes of texts + unlimited web browsing.

dont want to tie myself in for anymore contracts so went for this deal.
if you want to actually use your phone then DO NOT i repeat DO NOT get a voda contract signal is a pile of shite.
