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Removal of rubstrips

  Clio1.2, C2 VTR, 1.9 MJet
should just pop off, open door slide rear one to the left, and the front one to the left, pressure maybe needed, mine came off fine
Scrap that question,found the answer,if anyones wondering they are interchangeable but if you want to go back to original then the door needs respraying as they leave a line.
  Titanium 182
Scrap that question,found the answer,if anyones wondering they are interchangeable but if you want to go back to original then the door needs respraying as they leave a line.

That's b****cks. They're a direct swap unless you have one of the first ph1's in whch case you need to widen the door holes slightly to make them fit. And they do NOT leave a line on your door.
Cheers Aluco,thats even better,i was just repeating what id read on another thread,how late does the ph1 have to be for them to not need widening?
  Titanium 182
I'm not sure how old, mine is an X reg and they fit fine.

Pic of my strips.
