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removal of windows?

  PH2 172
How hard and what is involved in the removal and refitment of the rear side windows, windscreen and rear boot window?


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
For what purpose !?

I'd say pretty difficult to do "cleanly" .. IYSWIM.

Speak to Autoglass (or similar) if it's something they can provide a service to you, I'm assuming you're painting the car or something ?
  PH2 172
Well something i have been thinking about for some time is a colour change. thought myt be a betetr job if was to take them out not to sure though.
  Golf GTD Mk7
The rear and side rear windows are just glued in place. Have a look at kevs ph1 track car thread. Wouldn't bother unless you were looking at putting in poly carb.
