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remove oils stain from seat

  Ultra 197 ex 172 Cup
:mad: Hello,

i got a replacement rear seat for my clio, and its got like greasy crud on it :mad: , like someones sprayed WD40 onit or something, anyone know how to get rid of this crud, i was goign to take the cover off and stick in washing machine, so i tried but its like glued to the foam, is their an easier way ? :eek: its on the base seat, so i have taken it out the car ot clean it better ? :dapprove:


try tetroseal de-greaser may work but dont hold me to it:approve:


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
This stuff is coming into Aldi on Sunday . Never tried it , but it might be worth giving it a go .

  CS Dungeon
Baby wipes work a treat, or a spray called RaggTop is excellent.

These are the main 2 that I use almost every day and i'm a valeter by trade
  Ultra 197 ex 172 Cup
Terrorist said:
Baby wipes work a treat, or a spray called RaggTop is excellent.

These are the main 2 that I use almost every day and i'm a valeter by trade

where can i buy this RaggTop ? can you sell me an almost empty bottle ?:cool:
  Ultra 197 ex 172 Cup
yeah the baby wipes have soaked most of the grease off, still feels greasy, went through a pack of johnsons, would love a free sample of your magic liquid to finish it off, happy to send you cash for the spare
