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renault gap ins advice needed

recently wrote off my 2004 dynamique!... ins is in gf's name... i'm reg owner. GAP ins is in my name... is my ins + gap ins valid?
seems to be no probs with normal ins... they said settlement fig of 6515... but if i try to claim on GAP ins will they contact my ins company to confirm details...
  1.6 Astra ... R.I.P. 182
just a note - but its illegal to insure a car you are not the registered owner of !
before I took the policy i said my gf uses the car more... so they said she had to be the main user and therfore policy holder...
glasgow182 said:
just a note - but its illegal to insure a car you are not the registered owner of !

No it's not, you just have to declare that you aren't the registered owner! It's frequently cheaper to insure if you're the registered owner, but not essential!

With regards to the GAP insurance the policy is against the car, not the driver so if the car is written off the GAP pays out, just send through the final valuation notice from the main insurer and the money is yours!

I've had GAP insurance on my last three cars, especially after I used it on the first of those, it saved me £2,500......
so renault gap ins people won't go calling my gf's ins co. asking for details confirmaing whos legal owner etc... cos I think that it says on her policy she's the owner... which means the insurance is illegal?!! oh s**t! i'm worried
My experience of GAP insurance was that they wanted to see your original invoice, and the insurance companies valuation of the car.

Once I'd written off my Leon I called Elephant to arrange the first bit and then called my GAP insurance company and they said to wait until I'd have the write off confirmation and official final value letter and then send it through with the invoice/excess details and they sent me a cheque.

I'm surprised that they put her down as the owner!?!?
i was given that advice over the phone.... i set up the policy on the net... which didn't ask the ownership of the car. i never even realised until this happened! the ins co don't know about the gap so if i wait until ins is sorted... then contact gap and send them write off cert that will be ok will it?
Your insurance and your GAP insurance are two completely separate things and the insurance company aren't concerned with teh GAP, they will simply pay out the value of the car.

That you've opted to take a second policy is your perogative.
yeah, i was just worried that if i claimed on the gap they might contact ins co therefore bringing to light the fact that i am actually the reg owner (not my gf) and making the ins void, and therefore making my gap ins void too!

am i making something out of nothing?

cheers chiefSB
