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Resurrecting a Clio 172 ph1 stood for 3 years 60k milage

  Mrk 2 Clio 172
Any opinions ? Been on SORN as it needs a new cat for mot fail. Pretty OEM apart stainless exhaust only 60k miles and needs a timing belt and clutch probably.. been stood so breaks need new rotors etc as rusted up. What factors would you consider before taking the decision?
  Defender 110
Price, rust and perished bushes/stuck handbrake/ wheel bearings etc

Has the engine been sat unturned?


ClioSport Club Member
It’s a car that can be worth money if time and effort is put into it. I think the general consensus is that the Ph1 is going to be a good investment. I think I spent about £1500 putting mine back in a drivable condition when I bought it back in 2020 and that was cambelt, dephaser, all new brakes all around, spark plugs, coil pack, HT leads and an oil change. I then spent more making it nice with the original wheels, new suspension, bushes, wheel bearings…then ITBs.

Quick check is to look behind the rear door cards and see the inner sills, if it’s just orange from a light surface coating then it’s generally good, if there are holes expect to put new sills on.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
As a rough idea, I am just coming to the end of a small resto on a ph1.

Brakes all round
Shocks and springs all round
Suspension arms
Ball joints
Cambelt kit
Aux belt kit
Major service
New exhaust
And a general tidy up/clean up underneath

I think my total spend so far is around £2.2k.

And I’ve still got the bodywork to do.

Ph1 Tom

ClioSport Club Member
Remove rear door cards and check the condition of the arches/sills for rust. That's the reason I scrapped mine.

If all is ok then basically what Dan has listed above.
