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Retro fitting climate control to a Clio 3?

  Clio 3 2.0litre
Hi there, new member here.
I have a 2007 Clio 3 Phase 1 138bhp (Nissan/M4R engine).

Unfotunately it had a misfire issue last year which proved to be a cracked cylinder head letting coolant into No 2 cylinder. To cut a long story short, couldn't find a used head or engine and ended up buying a complete vehicle with a good engine as a donor. The engine swap is all done and running well now, the donor also had a new rad carrier assy, which was fortunate as the exsisting one was rotten. It also donated its tailgate to another black Clio that was dented.
Now to the crux of this post. The original car, whilst well specced, only has manual heating/AC, the donor, which will be scrapped, has climate. Having looked at both wiring looms I've realised the original car has the necessary multiplugs to run the climate panel. On the rear of the climate panel is a white multiplug that runs all the flap motors, so that will swap over with the HVAC assembly. There is another black plug with thick wires in that is docked in a receptacle on the rear of the panel, but there are no pins on the climate panel, so its's doing nothing! This plug is for the fan operation on a non climate car, I've checked and compared both cars. Similarly the climate HVAC loom plugs into the exsisting heater resistor multiplug to pick up power and ground.

The other plug, which is blue on the climate panel, is also to be found on the other car, pushed in a hole to the right of the glovebox.. So the basic looms must be the same between manual and climate systems.

My question is are there any more components ( I know about the interior cabin sensor in the mirror trim)) that need robbinbg from the old car before it goes?
A friend has a Clip tool, I guess you have to "tell" the UCH that climate controil needs enabling when all the bits are fitted.

I know it's a lot of work fitting it all, but have loads of that and have been in the motor trade for over 35years.

The shell itself is rot free and a pity to scrap it tbh. If anyone is in the south east and needs other parts or a shell, do let me know.
  Clio 3 2.0litre
Lots of views but no input!

More progress today. Stripped out the ribbon cable network in the roof/headlining than runs to the cabin air temp sensor. It's part of the interior lighting/sun visor lamps network that plugs into a black and a blue socket on the lh windscreen post, hope my car has those plugs in place, but lacking just the 2 connections for the sensor. The roof lights are idenical to both cars.

I'm assuning the unused plug on the rh screen pillar of the parts car is for the rain sensing wiper system which it lacks?
Going to be cutting thro the crossbar to get the HVAC unit out, too much hassle to remove the doors and wings to access the fixing bolts!

Btw has anyone woked out how to get the sun visors out without damaging them? The manual shows a special tool.

Tell me I'm crazy to even think of doing this conversion.
  Clio 3 2.0litre
Won't be attempting this until the weather gets better, just trying to get all the bits needed off the donor car before it has to go.
Quite looking forwatd to getting stuck into the job tbh.
The plan is, once the HVAC is removed to temporarily plug everything into the recieving vehicle and see if Clip can successfully reconfigure from manual to climate control.

I'll take some pics of the stripped out donor car.
  Clio 3 2.0litre
A few pics of work in progress gutting the donor car.



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ClioSport Club Member
In for updates, all looks doable (y)

If clip wont update uch then use Ren0link to do it.
  Clio 3 2.0litre
As it's a nice day, thought I's experiment on the climate control modification.
So removed the glovebox and lay the replacement HVAC in the footwell. Removed the plug from the heater resistor and connected to the HVAC unit, that supplies power and earth to the system.
Plugged in the climate panel's white and blue plugs (the one tucked in a hole to the left of the glovebox).

Fired up the car and the new units heater blower kicked in! I was so surprised I turned the car off as I thought the UCH would need altering.
But on starting it up again I was happy to see everything seems to work. The display lights up, the blend motor works hot and cold, the direction motor moves and the recirc motor functions. Plus the heater blower, a/c and hrw all work ok. Happy days indeed!

All that has to be done now is gut the car (doors, wings and dash crash bar out) to fit the new HVAC unit. But at least i know it will all work without reprogramming the UCH.


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ClioSport Club Member
Nice easy retro fit - result.

Interestingly if uch software is similar to meg 2 then settings wont make too much of a difference when thinking about it.

I accidently cocked up some settings on a mk2 ph2 meg years ago and had to use trial and error to put what heating etc. It had climate and i selected standard heating and it worked ok.
  Clio 3 2.0litre
I was so surprised when it all seemed to function ok. So many had told me the front end wiring would need swapping, not true!
And many had said the UCH would need re configuring, again, not true.

Got to plumb in the inside temp sensor as well.

Planning on stripping the car and doing the conversion the week after next when I have the use of a big workshop for a few days.
  Clio 3 2.0litre
Started the heater swap task today. Went quite well really.
Front doors removed, seats out, fascia removed, carpets and under seat air ducts moved aside.
Crossmember bolts out , drop the column and partially disconnect the wiring harness.

Replacement HVAC unit dropped in and a few bits bolted back in.

Finish off tomorrow. Fingers crossed it all works!


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  Clio 3 2.0litre
Finished off today, all good and working ok.

So it can be done.

Contrary to what many said the looms are all the same and the extra connections for the dash solar sensor, climate panel and cabin temp sensor are all there. The only loom that needs adding is from the lh A post multiplug up the pillar to the sensor in the rear view mirror trim plastic housing.
As long as the HCH is to N3 levet it's plug and play.
I was lucky to have a complete car to rob all the parts from.

Just got to gas the A/C system now.


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