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Retro phone, cheap

Need something as cheep as, don't give a s**t about anything, as long as i can call/text that's fine. Needs to be able to work in NZ, this is why i ask, as i have no idea which old school phones do so.

Any recommendations....


It'll be your network provider that needs to work in NZ, not the actual phone itself lol.
  421 Cammed 172
I think it's quad band phones that will run on a NZ provider.

Not sure if Tri Band do, I don't think they do.

If you're running a UK provider, as previously said you just need to have roaming activated.
I'll be running two phones. Hence needing another. My iphone will work fine there with uk sim, but i want another phone to run NZ sim as i'm there for quite a while.

Quad band you say..... brb looking.


ClioSport Moderator
Tbh i think you'd be better off to buy one over there for cheaps. Sure you'd be able to pick one easy enough, at the airport when you land maybe??
Yeah had thought about that man, it's just another thing to do when i get there though.

And if i could pick some battered thing up of the bay here for a tenner it'd be worth it.

Oh well.
