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Returning member after 14 years. AO55UUC


ClioSport Club Member
  RB 182
Hi all!

I'm new-ish. I was a member many moons ago with a black gold ff 182 and 95 Valver.

Now I've treated myself to a little RB 182 😁 noticed it had a cliosport sticker in the window, so was wandering if anyone recognised it at all. Would be good to find out some of its history which it is lacking a bit.


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    SmartSelect_20230202_135113_Auto Trader.jpg
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ClioSport Club Member
A055UUC - thats the RB that caught fire after rolling onto its roof a few years back isn't it?

Looks like they did a great job straightening it out - very clean mate, must be chuffed with it!


ClioSport Club Member
  RB 182
Not a lot really. It's running a bit rough so just get it back to running how it should and just tidy it up. Then enjoy it.
