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Ripping Seat

  BMW X5

Hi there people.

I got a 1.2 clio and the material on the side of the seat has worn off and is now showing the foam inside the seat.; looks pretty bad.

I have only had the car 2 years and was just wondering if this would be covered by anything...warranty perhaps? I mean...a seat should last longer than 2 years?!?



if you have had it from new then i would go back to ya dealer and get them to sort it even if it aint under warrenty as you should expect it to last moe than 2 yrs.

Not sure if youll get a full warently work done on it how many mils have you done in it?

Renault might pay a certain % of the price but Id be suprised it they pay much if any.
  BMW X5

Done 29000 miles.

Still- i been in fiestas that are 12 years old and have dun 150000 miles and are still ok. Its jus not rite

just make sure you dont let on that you knaw at the seats. When you go in make sure you finish your last piece of foam and dont have any hanging out of your mouth. That might give the game away.

Ta, Andy
  Ford Fiesta

shouldnt wear away in 2 years, have you been using it harshly etc? what clothes you been wearing? is it the dynamqiue material?
  BMW X5

I have got an authentique, so its the light grey interior...

liam...cant really say wot clothes i varies from jumpers to shirts but nothing that is harsh on the seat thats for sure.

its done 30000 miles in 2 years...6 more than standard use (normal is 12k a yr i think), but that shouldnt make that much of a diff.

cheers gregg mate...what did u say to them?
