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Road Angel with Laser Alert system.

  Fiesta TDCI

Has anyone got one of the detectors? If so what do you think?

Ive heard this is one of the best on the market at the moment and it appears to do everything that you would want (within reason!!).

Any comments welcome.


Ive got one, got it after a close shave with a Mobile unit.

It the dogs bo**cks, but not sure about the laser detector though. Went passed a mobile unit three times in a row and not a blip. This could be due to the following:-

1) They didnt have the camera switched on due to heavy traffic (Ie not going to get anyone just there for show)

2) It dosnt work

3)The windscreen is heat reflective(Start the arguments about this one).

It has picked up 99% of the cameras ive passed so far, got mine in a group buy for just over £300.

I have one of these and its great no false alarms which annoyed the hell out of me when i had my snooper. I had to buy the reradiating antenna though which put the price up 60quid.

You might want to consider the origin blue it comes with an antenna as standard, although these type of systems are only as good as the database you get updates from and i was told the the road angel has the best backend "updates".


I paid £330 including laser detector, got it through Mitsubishi Lancer Register. Someone was doing a group buy with another club, think there was over 10 of us. The company was Performance FX and ordered over net took two weeks due to new stock.

Angels after service was great too, knackered the jack to the laser detector unit after two days buy closing door on it. But they replaced it for free and also gave me an extension cable for free as well. Top blokes

Sorry I paid £310.

The unit has an internal aerial, so depedning on where you place the unit depends on how strong the signal from GPS sat. Also some windscreens wont let through the signal. Hope that made sense.
  Fiesta TDCI

Blackspot (Road Angel manufacturers) are based in Silverstone, just a few miles from me, they have said that I can come down and test one.

Am I likely to have problems due to the heat reflecting windscreen?

Cup172, I asume from your post that you dont have the reradiating aerial, why do you think that Warren needed one but you dont?

Warren, where did you put the aerial, and is it a pain in the arse?


Sorry dont think Warren would need one, just that some cars do, but also depends where you place the unit in the car. Dont know if the Cup windscreen is different to the 172 though.

Think of taking mine apart so that all I have on the dash is the LCD, box behind the dash. At the moment mine lives on the dash under a hat so its not so obvious also dont have to put it away each time a get out the car.
  Fiesta TDCI

Got the road angel, fitted without need for the additional aerial. Works great on Gatsos and Specs, havent come across the safety vans yet!!

I have just bought an Origin Blue i.

I went for it over the Road Angel because it gives you far more info on screen i.e type of camera, speed limit.

It also tells you the road number & the compass direction you are travelling in. It was a tough choice though.


so has anyone that has a GPS unit with the laser extra detector actually picked up a roadside trap (mobile). If not I aint getting one cos these are the ones I look out for, oh, and who has detected the Police whilst they are following you?

Need to know cos its a lot of money if it dont work. My old detector has just bitten the dust, overuse(I drive for a living) so I need to invest in a new one.

The laser alert will tell you that you have been nicked thats all. Apparently it only takes a laser gun 1/10th sec to get your speed and the laser alerts & your reaction time aint gonna beat that! :(

Ps Got my detector from

After mentioning ScoobyNet forum got the following prices:

Road Angel £340

Origin Blue i £320

All prices inc next day delivery:)

Try emailing">



I mounted the aerial on the rear parcel shelf and run the cable down the side of the car and round into the space in front of the gear stick. Doing this means i can have the road angel out of site i.e. not on the dash. I got pulled over for my snooper by some petty idiot of a copper.

Apparently not all renaults need the booster aerial just depends on where you mount it in the car but according to the instructions most late renaults need one.

Any probs give pm me.


Got mine on the dash but under a cap, looks a bit odd but means I can just leave it there. Manged to get a signal if I wedge it in to the money hole/shelve (thing under headlight height adjustment) but only just. If its there cant here it though.


ClioSport Club Member
  Seat Leon Cupra

Wouldnt the best protection be GPS and an all round diffuser? Save annoying false laser alarms and gives you Gatso/SPECS/Truvelo protection.
  Fiesta TDCI

The road angel has the Gatso/Specs/Truvelo protection. I went through the Specs the other day, it even gives you your average speed through the sets of cameras.

I still havent found one of the mobile cameras to see how effective it is against one of them, i will let you know!
