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Road angel

  Octavia vRS
Hi all,

I am getting my 182 tomorrow and wanted to know if anyone uses a road angel? are these any good because I dont know anyone that has got one?
  Tesla MP3 2021
yeah i had one in my 182....really good...the road angel 2 or later would be better. also i had mine positioned in the little sqaure on the windscreen and sometimes it didnt always pick up a signal, so i would by a external antenna for it:)
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
Yeah dosnt pick up singnal very well atall in my 172 so have to put the antenna on the outsdie when i use it. only £10 on ebay but just a bit of hassel all the time so only use it when going long distances. Apart from that its good and picks up all the camera etc.
  106 GTi
The additional attenna for the RA2 was needed here to, in order to get it to perform as well as in does in a normal screened car.

Mines sat next to the rear shelf.
  Tesla MP3 2021
yeah they say external antenna but it can be placed anywhere near a window in the car.......the rear shelf is a good place. ive got mine on the ledge on the left rear window, works a treat
