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Road angle2 / Origin b2


ClioSport Club Member
  RB 182

Hi guys,Are both of these deveices Legal,Also as anybody had both and which would they recommend,As i can either get a road angel 2 for £290 with 5 months subscription left which is second hand or a brand new Origin b2 for £299 which one would u guys go for,Thanks

where from ?? and yes both legal. both are rated but sometimes the b2 is more user freindly due to the clio having the uv reflective screen


  RS 182 - Black Gold

Both are legal :) as everyones said

its really up to you to choose, the RA2 is simpler to install but the origin is not exactly rocket science either. I suppose you can say the RA2 is made so that you can move it from car to car easily.

The both come up with similar functionaility.

